Europa International is happy to announce that its 5th annual conference “Set The Trend !” will take pace during Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn, Estonia, from the 17th to the 20th of November 2016.
The annual conference is the meeting point of more than 30 European sales companies for a 3 days event with a main public conference for half day. The panels constitute a platform of exchange for professionals of the film business in order to rethink and reboot the international distribution of films in the digital age, and with a focus on European Union and United States’ views for new business models and opportunities in the new digital world.
The event will be moderated by Brian Newmann, and the following experts are attending: from the US, Missy Laney and Barry Rebo; from the EU, Miirva Hussko, Ivo Andrle, Michael Gubbins, David White and Jaume Ripoll.
A closer collaboration with its members involved in new business models will be on the agenda, with a showcase on Eye on Films project run by Wide, member of the organization.
Besides the main conference, Europa International will organize two private events gathering its members, a general assembly to discuss internal subjects and an afternoon of worksessions (on specific subjects such as the distribution in the US).