Gabrielle Stewart
Managing Directorinfo@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750

Matthew Baker
Head of Acquisitionsmb@hanwayfilms.com
+44 20 7290 0750

Nicole Mackey
Head of Salesnm@hanwayfilms.com
+44 7966 443 475

Mark Lane
Director of Salesmfl@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750

Elizabeth Kormanova
Director of Business Affairsek@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750

Ivan Kelava
Business Affairs Executiveik@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750

Tom Grievson
Head of Marketing & Distributioninfo@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750

Joseph Hewitt
Marketing Executivejh@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750

Tejinder Jouhal
Senior Marketing & Distribution Managertj@hanwayfilms.com
+44 207 290 0750