Europa Distribution


EUROPA INTERNATIONAL and EUROPA DISTRIBUTION have signed during the Berlin International Film Festival in 2012 their common GUIDELINES FOR THE DELIVERY OF DIGITA MATERIAL.

This paper offers a set of guidelines with some recommendations for digital delivery and material access, made up of:

  • the guidelines for good conduct
  • an overview on the business model (VPF) and digital roll out
  • a list of labs

Those guidelines concern the delivery of DCI compliant material and are meant to evolve following the digital transition.

These guidelines have been created during practical workshops gathering European sales agents (EUROPA INTERNATIONAL) and distributors (EUROPA DISTRIBUTION) with digital expertise. This working group will meet on a regular basis and update the guidelines following the digital transition.

It is a particularly important time to focus on ensuring access to digital material and good delivery, as this material becomes increasingly core to all aspects of service delivery. It is to underline that in this period of transition, there is a different reality in each country in terms of technical standards and business models.  In this sense, it is essential to keep in mind what is best for the local release of the films.

For GUIDELINES please contact us


EUROPA INTERNATIONAL and EUROPA DISTRIBUTION have set up some common GUIDELINES at the end of 2014 for P&A BUDGETS and ROYALTY STATEMENT FORMS in order to create for their members some tools to improve their business.

The paper offers some tools for a better collaboration regarding the distribution, specially with the following templates:

  • Time schedule
  • State about P&A budget in the contract
  • P&A Budget Short
  • P&A Budget Long
  • P&A Average
  • Royalty Statement
  • Royalty Contacts from ED and EI

For GUIDELINES and TEMPLATES please contact us